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Video materials

Couple viewing laptop drawing

Click on the links below to access the videos referred to throughout the resource:

Video 1
Negotiating classroom rules and procedures using the interactive whiteboard; creating a climate for dialogue (0:53)

Video 2
Working using class talk rules: supporting dialogue (0:57)

Video 3
Annotating a portrait of Queen Elizabeth I on the interactive whiteboard (8:25)

Video 4 Using open-ended prompts on the interactive whiteboard and children’s recorded voices to stimulate discussion (2:37)

Video 5 Exploring trench warfare using multimedia resources on the interactive whiteboard (2:16)

Video 6
Group interaction at the interactive whiteboard – Light sources and reflectors (3:35)

Video 7
Group interaction at the interactive whiteboard - Food Chains (2:42)

Video 8
Brainstorming ideas as a class using the interactive whiteboard in history - war causes (3:07)

Video 9
Sharing and comparing ideas using the interactive whiteboard in a whole class setting – the plant cell (4:46)

Video 10
Using a teacher voiceover, highlighting and annotating text on the interactive whiteboard: Clip 1 (1:25)

Video 11
Using a teacher voiceover, highlighting and annotating a (personal safety) text on the interactive whiteboard: Clip 2 (1:14)

Video 12
Using a teacher voiceover, highlighting and annotating text on the interactive whiteboard: Overall sequence (7:45)

Video 13
Drawing objects on the interactive whiteboard together: collectively constructing knowledge – a nonverbal kind of ‘dialogue’ (3:13)

Video 14
Matched resources: Arranging objects on the interactive whiteboard and on paper – photosynthesis (5:38)

Video 15
Choosing, annotating and discussing images related to personal safety on the interactive whiteboard (9:52)

Video 16
Using text and pictures on the interactive whiteboard to stimulate interest and initial dialogue in English- crime-writing genre (1:42)

Video 17
Matching terms and definitions pertaining to crime writing on the interactive whiteboard (0:50)

Video 18
Focusing on crime scene evidence using the interactive whiteboard – identifying key elements (0:31)

Video 19
Using the interactive whiteboard for group recording and explanation about personal safety issues (1:37)

Video 20
Revisiting a brainstorm from another class on the interactive whiteboard - why do wars start? (1:04)

Video 21
Dialogue after interactive whiteboard use in a secondary history class (05:43)

The whole collection can be found here: